The highly-prized, spring flowering waterblommetjie (Aponogeton distachyos) is common in the shallow dams and vleis of the southern region of the Cape.
In recent years the demand for these fleshy green flower buds has increased and they are now available fresh from most supermarkets between May and November. They are also available canned.
Although used as a vegetable in traditional waterblommetjie bredie their taste is somewhat bland and to overcome this, surings are added for tartness.
If surings are unavailable, chop up 2 green apples or use 15 ml lemon juice instead. Note: If using canned waterblommetjies add these to the bredie 30 minutes before the end of cooking time.
The common name waterblommetjie means water flower in Afrikaans. Waterblommetjie is also known as wateruintjie (water onion) or veldkos (field (wild) plants) in Afrikaans and Cape hawthorn or Cape pondweed in English.
Category: South African Cuisine
Subcategory: Indigenous
Total Views: 2695
Word Count: 288
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