Alikreukel to Atjar – Descriptions and photographs where available of South African culinary terms and ingredients.
- Alikreukel
- These giant sea snails, which are also known as large periwinkles and “olly crock”, are very much a part of the South African seafood tradition. They are tough, though tasty, and best served minced with a creamy sauce. They are found mainly in rocky areas along the coast from the Cape Peninsula to KwaZulu-Natal up to six metres below the surface of the sea… more
- Amabele
- Amabele (Zulu), Amazimba (Xhosa), Sorghum (English), Graansorghum (Afrikaans), is one of the five top cereal crops in the world, along with wheat, oats, corn, and barley. It originates in Africa and the largest producer of amabele in the modern era is still Africa, although the crop has spread to southern Asia and the Americas… more
- Amadumbe
- South Africa has its own exotic vegetable in the seasonal amadumbe, a potato-like tuber that resembles a sweet potato. It has a rich earthy flavour and a starchy flesh. In South Africa, you might be able to find organic amadumbes in Woolworths food stores or perhaps at your local greengrocer’s. Grown traditionally as a subsistence crop, the amadumbe is nutritious, drought-resistant and easy to grow.
- They can be fried for chips, used to make mash or cooked in their skin in the fire. A very tasty restaurant variation on the theme is to cook amadumbe, mash them with butter and sprinkle them with roasted peanuts and top it all off with a drizzle of honey.
- Amagwinya
- Amagwinya (Zulu), Vetkoek (Fat Cake – refers to the method of frying in oil.) is a delightful, typically South African snack – a traditional pastry both in Afrikaans and Zulu culture, it’s basically a mixture of flour, water, sugar and salt which is made into small “balls” and deep-fried until golden brown… more
- Amanqina
- A hoof of a cow, pig or sheep. It's boiled, then spiced for taste. It's very delicious but sticky.
- Amasi
- Amasi is the common word for soured milk that tastes like cottage cheese or plain yoghurt. It is very popular in South Africa, where it is also known as inkomazi or maas. Amasi is traditionally prepared by storing unpasteurised cow’s milk in a calabash container or hide sack to allow it to ferment. The fermenting milk develops a watery substance called umlaza; the remainder is amasi. This thick liquid is mostly poured over pap, or drunk straight. It is traditionally served in a clay pot and eaten with wooden spoons.
- Amasi is also produced commercially, it is a cultured product made from full cream milk which is produced by adding a freeze-dried culture to the milk and then fermenting it until it reaches a specific acidity level. Commercial amasi has a shelf life of 21 days at 4°C. It has a smooth texture and a slightly sour taste.
- Amatungulu
- The amatungulu is a fast-growing, ornamental shrub that is wind resistant and grows in coastal bush, coastal forests and on sand dunes, from Humansdorp northwards through Kwazulu-Natal to Mozambique. The attractive, globe-shaped, reddish fruits are 25 to 50 mm in length. Classified as berries they are rich in Vitamin C, magnesium and phosphorus. They have thin, papery skins. A number of small seeds are found within the pulp. Normally, they’re harvested before they reach full ripeness so they keep their slightly tart flavour.
- Amatungulu are prepared in various ways, they’re often made into a burgundy jelly which makes an excellent accompaniment to venison and pork, syrups, pies, and tarts, they’re even pickled. When prepared as a sauce, they make a wonderful accompaniment to meat dishes.
- Askoek
- Ash Cake (English) is basically bread made in the ashes. There are no real hard and fast rules as to how askoek should be made. The principle is just to get some kind of grain flour cooked by the most simple method possible. Askoek can be leavened or unleavened and although they are usually made from wheat flour, any kind of cereal flour will work. Askoek is best eaten hot with butter or fat melting into it.
- Asyn Poeding
- Vinegar Pudding (English) – A batter made from a basic mixture of cake flour, eggs and milk flavoured with vinegar.
- Atjar
- Atjar was introduced to South Africa by the Malays about a century ago. It’s a hot pickle or relish made of slices of fruits such as clingstone peaches, green mangoes, lemons and kumquats, or mixed vegetables – cauliflower and green tomatoes.… more

Category: South African Cuisine
Subcategory: Various
Total Views: 16728
Word Count: 1520
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