Powerful and liquorice-like, star anise is used in the East as aniseed is in the West. Chinese stocks and soups very often contain the spice, as do many…
Used in cooking for their rich nutty flavour, black sesame seeds are especially common in far Eastern cuisine. Here, meat or fish is rolled in the sesame…
Saffron, the worlds most expensive spice, is the stigma plucked from the purple-flowered crocus. Each has only three stigmas, and a five acre plot yields…
Used predominantly in European cooking, blue poppy seed is slightly nutty and sweet, with a almond-like flavour. Sprinkled over or incorporated into breads…
The most sought after and heavily traded spice in history, pepper lives up to its expectations by transforming blandness into bite in almost every imaginable…
The ancient Greeks believed that thyme was a source of courage, they used it in their baths and burnt it as incense in their temples. Today, thyme is widely…
Commonly referred to as Estragon, French Tarragon is tart with aromatic properties reminiscent of anise. Used predominantly in French and European cooking…
Sage has a peppery taste and is often used for flavouring rich and fatty foods, especially as a marinade. In German cuisine, it is often used to flavour…
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) has spicy, pungent, rather tough leaves that resemble pine needles in both appearance and aroma. Native to the Mediterranean…